Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

M5 Assignment

5 Assignment

Q Examine three roles of political parties in American politics. In what ways do political parties differ from interest groups? How do parties contribute to democratic government? Does online participation lead to more or less participation offline? What reasons are there to believe that online participation will lead to either more or less participation? Defend your answer What are some of the factors that help to explain the low turnout rates for elections in the United States? What, if anything, can be done to strengthen turnout? Elections are ultimately about the choices that citizens make in a democracy. Describe the three factors that influence voters’ decisions. Be sure to provide examples from recent elections of the role that each of these three factors played in determining how people voted. Analyze the role of third parties in the American political system. In particular, examine: (1) the reasons that third parties arise; (2) the reasons why a three-party system has not emerged in the United States; and (3) some of the more notable third-party presidential candidates in American history. Describe how candidates raise the money they need to run. Among other things, explain the primary sources of campaign donations, how campaign contributions are (and are not) regulated in the United States and how the Supreme Court has ruled in recent years with regard to campaign finance laws.

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1. Political Parties are a requirement in the arena of American politics as they shape and influence the approach taken by the Federal Government while the party in opposition can be entrusted with singling out the weak areas of the Federal decisions and demand for further ratification. The political party system of the US can further bring about a confluence of differing opinions that may or may not lead to Constitutional Ratification (Ginsberg et al., n.d.). The form and character of the American Governmental System justifies the presence of a democratic set up which automatically allows the political parties to operate.